About Us

About Us

We are a real estate firm with deep industry experience and an unrivaled passion to see our clients succeed. We view our clients as partners and thus, endevor to create long term business relationships through quality service delivery.

Welcome to Arc Post Properties and Consultancy, your competent partner to navigate the ever evolving real estate landscape in Kenya. We are a team of experience and energetic real estate proffesionals with a deep passion to see our clients succeed. We assist our clients in buying or selling property and advice on all matters real estate.



We provide extensive guidance and expertise to clients regarding the buying, selling, or leasing of real estate properties in Kenya. These services may include: a. Market Analysis: We conduct a thorough analysis of the local real estate market to determine current trends, pricing, and demand. b. Property Evaluation: We work hand in hand with proper authorities to round up a property's value based on its location, size, condition, and potential for growth. c. Marketing Strategy: We develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to effectively promote and sell a property to potential buyers or tenants. d. Negotiation: We provide expert negotiation services to help clients get the best possible deal when buying, selling, or leasing a property. e. Legal Assistance: We have proper expertise to provide for legal assistance and guidance throughout the buying, selling, or leasing process to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. f. Investment Planning: We advice clients on the best investment opportunities in the real estate market and helping them develop a long-term investment strategy.

Property Rentals

Property Rentals

We are a professional and reliable company that specializes in helping clients find suitable rental properties for their families. We are committed to understanding the unique needs and preferences of each client, and therefore use this knowledge to provide personalized and targeted rental property recommendations. We also have a wide range of rental properties in various locations and price ranges, ensuring that clients have plenty of options to choose from. Our company's experience and expertise in the rental has enabled us to have relevant knowledge of market trends, legal requirements, and negotiation strategies with excellent customer service and guidance throughout the entire rental process.

Property Sale and Acquisition

Property Sale and Acquisition

This real estate company is an experienced and highly knowledgeable company that specializes in property sales and acquisition. We have a deep understanding of the local real estate market, including pricing trends, property values, and market demand. With the expertise, we are able to provide clients with accurate and reliable information that can help make informed decisions about buying or selling properties. The company's team of experienced real estate agents is well-versed in all aspects of property sales and acquisition, including property preparation, marketing, negotiation, and closing. They work closely with each client to understand their unique needs and goals, and then develop a tailored sales strategy that will help them achieve those goals. Whether clients are looking to sell or buy a single property or an entire portfolio, this real estate company has the expertise and resources to deliver successful outcomes. We pride ourselves on their commitment to delivering exceptional customer service, and they work tirelessly to ensure that each client receives the individual attention and support they need throughout the sales process.

Property Management

Property Management

We also specialize in property management. As a professional and experienced company that provides comprehensive management services for various types of properties, we have expertise in managing both residential and commercial properties, including apartments, condominiums, office buildings, and retail spaces. We further have skilled property managers who have extensive knowledge and experience in managing properties, including maintenance, leasing, rent collection, accounting, and tenant relations. We have a dedication to understanding the unique needs and goals of each client, and providing customized management solutions that maximize the value of the properties and enhance the quality of life for tenants.